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Kerb Appeal

Kerb appeal is one of the most important things when it comes to the first impression of your property, a messy exterior can make predetermined conclusions of the rest of the house being cluttered and unloved. Not only is a garden to be loved by green fingered enthusiasts, families with children or those who love to entertain but a great selling point for potential buyers.

According to on the blog post named ‘What can reduce the value of a house?’, house hunters take 10 seconds to decide whether they like a property from looking at its garden. Also found on the same blog post with results from a survey by Barclays mortgages, research found that 44% of people, said that they would try to knock between 10-20% off the asking price if it looked unappealing from the outside.

Tidy up the Garden

It is a good idea to tidy up your garden, especially the front garden and this can be achieved with simple tasks that can make the property and it’s exteriors look it’s best. These can include; mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, fixing fence panels, adding a potted plant or hanging basket, giving the fencing a fresh lick of paint and even washing the windows. Making these elements as appealing as possible can set the tone for the whole property visit.

Property Viewing Turn-offs for Brits

Mayur Shah an estate agent from London commented on’s post named ‘The biggest property viewing turn-offs for Brits’ she added “With respects to the garden, my recommendation is to always remove dead plants, cut unappealing shrubs, mow overgrown grass, add colourful plants, get rid of litter and replace any damaged fences before conducting any viewings”. These are easy and cost effective ways to make changes that can add the finishing touches to the property.

Some of the most cost effective ways to enhance your garden and make it viewing ready are the following;

  • Cutting the grass
  • Cleaning the patio or decking areas
  • Plant flowers in pots near the house
  • Hanging baskets around the doorway and front of the house
  • Vertical planting – climbers, scrubs, trees etc – create privacy and security
  • Plant shrubs for all year round interest – e.g Sarcococca confusa or Viburnum
  • Paint fencing, shed and garden furniture to match and bring the garden together
  • Simple garden designs are cheaper and can bring a modern look to the garden
  • Budget the landscaping materials – rendered walling, dry stacked stone, gravel
  • Include outdoor lighting to add other dimensions, solar lights are a cheap option

Create a Living Environment

37% of Brits are spending more time in their garden than they did 5 years ago, and this figure will have shot up dramatically during the outbreak of COVID-19.

With homeschooling and working from home, mixed with the lovely sunshine we have had in the last 2 months, the amount of time families will have spent in their garden will have increased substantially.

Providing that sprucing a garden and creating kerb appeal can not only help sell a house but create a nicer living environment for your current house.

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